This Christmas comedy album features classic holiday parody songs and original comedy songs and bits created by Bob Gnarly and his band The Killer Kona Buds. Most of this Christmas comedy audio was created for Bob Gnarly’s rock radio shows and was aired throughout Florida as well as on morning shows in other radio markets around the USA.
Several live performances of original Christmas comedy songs are included on this album. These were often performed live over the radio on the day before the holiday weekends, and their audio was actually taken from the actual skimmer tapes of those airings. Unfortunately, the rock radio shows at the time were simply recorded onto generic cassette tapes not designed for replay. As such, the audio quality is poor. We have included them simply as a fun archive of these performances, especially for listeners who were fans of the show at the time.
While all of the content is considered FCC radio friendly, we still believe that most of the subject matter is more suited for adults and not for children. As such, we advise that parental supervision is suggested before sharing with younger or more sensitive listeners.