You Are Being Manipulated

This is a photo of a guitarist playing music for his friends. Nothing more.

I just wanted you to finally see a post on your feed today that wasn’t created by people whose political and financial agenda’s want you to feel anger, hate, scared, mad, outraged, worried, depressed and polarized.

The shock value of the content that you are viewing on your TV news, radio, and social media right now is designed by its very nature to be viral. It causes an emotional reaction that demands for you to respond, for or against, it doesn’t matter, and thus propagate that negative energy even further into our world. Viral.

Every time you feel compelled to share a violent video or argue on a post, forward a meme you saw with alleged “facts”, or threaten to revoke your online friendship, they have succeeded in manipulating your feelings for their own benefit.

Every single new post, comment, and page view is more advertising dollars into the social media company’s bank account. With every video view the ratings increase and the agenda moves forward. Cha-ching. Cha-ching.

Emotions are as fundamental to our biology as breathing or eating, which is why they are a very powerful tool often targeted by those with ill will who seek to advance their own agendas. Usually, the nicer, smarter and more kind that you are, the more powerful the urge is for you to respond.. to do.. something. To share this outrageousness. To warn others. To help. With the best of intentions, you respond. That’s the way it works.

You, your family, and friends, are all purposely and deliberately being distracted from living your own life in peace and harmony so that some company and their shareholders, or political party’s agenda, can all move forward. Just look at the content of your feed today. Is it kind? Is it helpful? Is it really what you want to see? Is it providing any benefit? Or, does it promote hate, confusion, and even violence?

To go against your own biology is one of the hardest things to do. Ask anyone who’s been on a diet. Yet, that is the answer, and it requires strength and a great deal of consideration and thought.

You and I have the power to combat this evil, because that is what it is.. it is evil..and we can start today.

Post something positive… anything.. a cute picture of your dog and why you love him. Say something kind, even when it may be hard to do so. Spread love and kindness even in the darkest of places. Nothing stops the viral movement of shock, hate, and evil like some well intended acts of love and kindness.

It is time to turn this all around. It is time for you and I to take the offensive. Let’s show these bastards that we have had enough and hit them broadside with the full power of our own agenda.. It is time to share the message of peace, love, understanding and kindness.

Be Cool

Take Care Of Your Brothers And Sisters

and Rock On Forever