Music is a Gift

Question: Since you have been playing for a very long time.. How have your guitar goals and musical perception changed over time?

Here’s some advice from my long musical journey…

Eventually you must learn to leave all the scales and theory behind, all the boxes and shapes, patterns and exercises, lessons and tips, understand that these things simply provided a map through the forest at a time when you did not trust yourself to find the way. Learn how to simply let your mind tell your own pure musical story through your instrument. Eventually, you must learn to speak on your own, just like you did as a child, and KNOW that the words you are saying not only make sense, but communicate your story in a colorful and engaging way… naturally.

also.. one more piece of advice that I feel MANY musicians, especially guitarists, fail to understand.

Be cautious of falling in to the all too common trap of using your musical skills as a way to achieve notoriety, status, praise, acceptance, riches, or fame. These ugly motivations will always show through your playing, like a stain, limiting your growth and expression. Even the most passive listener will instinctively, almost subconsciously, hear these impure motivations and the completely opposite effect will often be the result. Just like a drug, this can cause a vicious circle, since you can often achieve some of those regardless of your true talent. Instead, think of your music and skill as a way to give, as a gift, freely, instead of a way to receive. Your honorable gift is often returned 3 fold, although that too should never be the motivation.. just a wonderful bonus.